Premium Quality

Refined Tobacco

Delicate Aroma

Premium Quality

Refined Tobacco

Delicate Aroma


Cigar Background and History
From the valley of El Cibao our cigars were cultivated from the very Dominican Tobacco of the Tamboril, Santiago Villa, Gonzales, and Navarrete regions.

Our principal partner began farming this tobacco for cigar production beginning in 2003 and has devoted its efforts in developing an excellent and superior Cigar product.


Cigar Background and History
From the valley of El Cibao our cigars were cultivated from the very Dominican Tobacco of the Tamboril, Santiago Villa, Gonzales, and Navarrete regions.

Our principal partner began farming this tobacco for cigar production beginning in 2003 and has devoted its efforts in developing an excellent and superior Cigar product.


Mission Statement
D&W Distributors in partnership with the Santana XO Family Factory specializes in the sale and distribution of authentic hand rolled cigars sourced directly from the Dominican Republic.


Good Cigars Starts With Good Tobacco
Our business D&W Distributors introduces our customers to the smooth and classy world of cigars. We provide our customers with an authentic Cigar product that is unmatched in quality and Tobacco at an affordable price. From cigar enthusiasts to cigar novices within our inventory we have a cigar that will meet the needs and desires of thatindividual. D&W Distributors in partnership with the Santana XO Family Factory specializes in the sale and distribution of authentic hand rolled cigars sourced directly from the Dominican Republic.

Years of Experience

We offer a wide range of quality products, an easy shopping process and first-class service.

Broad Variety

We offer a wide range of quality products, an easy shopping process and first-class service.

Team of Professionals

We offer a wide range of quality products, an easy shopping process and first-class service.


Good Cigars Starts With Good Tobacco
Our business D&W Distributors introduces our customers to the smooth and classy world of cigars. We provide our customers with an authentic Cigar product that is unmatched in quality and Tobacco at an affordable price. From cigar enthusiasts to cigar novices within our inventory we have a cigar that will meet the needs and desires of thatindividual. D&W Distributors in partnership with the Santana XO Family Factory specializes in the sale and distribution of authentic hand rolled cigars sourced directly from the Dominican Republic.

Years of Experience

We offer a wide range of quality products, an easy shopping process and first-class service.

Broad Variety

We offer a wide range of quality products, an easy shopping process and first-class service.

Team of Professionals

We offer a wide range of quality products, an easy shopping process and first-class service.


Featured Products
Present day within our Cigar inventory we have over 30 natural leaf and flavored types of cigars to choose from. Popular cigars within our collection include our Clear Havana Toro, Cognac Flavored, and the Salomon Army.


Hear From Our Clients
We offer a wide range of quality products, an easy shopping process, express delivery and first-class service.

“The Cigar was great. I enjoyed the flavor of it and it wasn't a quick burn. I would definitely purchase them.”

– Randy

“….I smoked the cigar and I must say, it was a great smoke,”

– Greg

``I would smoke it again. The draw in my opinion was perfect. A slow steady burn and I didnnt have to continually pull on it to keep it lit. Ash was even. All in all, like I said, I would buy again.``

– Gary


Hand-Rolled To Perfection
Each and every cigar within our inventory has not only been crafted with 100% natural Tobacco, each one has also been carefully and individually hand-rolled to perfection.


Present day within our Cigar inventory we have over 30 natural leaf and flavored types of cigars to choose from. Popular cigars within our collection include our Clear Havana Toro, Cognac Flavored, and the Salomon Army.

DW Cigars

From the valley of El Cibao our cigars were cultivated from the very Dominican Tobacco of the Tamboril, Santiago Villa, Gonzales, and Navarrete regions. Our principal partner began farming this tobacco for cigar production beginning in 2003 and has devoted its efforts in developing an excellent and superior Cigar product.

Contact Us

Call Us: (240) 745-5999
Location: D&W Distributors: Potomac, Maryland United States.

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